Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Abrams' Tradition

Tonight, as I sit in my Korean apartment, I remember a tradition that my dear friends, the Abrams, started for me years ago: to thank the LORD for what He brought in the last year and to proclaim what you're asking Him for or what you are hopeful for in the coming one. Each year since I've known them, I've gathered at their house with a group of believers to ask the LORD's blessing in this way, toasting each person's thanksgiving and prayer when they finish. As I watch 2010 approaching, nearly 15 hours ahead of my friends, I want to continue the tradition.

I am ever so thankful for my Jesus this year and His continued work on my life. In one year, He has given direction, hope, and provision. He has established me here in a foreign land and has kept His hand on me from the moment the plane landed--there is nothing He has not already foreseen! He took me out of a situation I wasn't sure how to end, with grace and blessings besides. He grew me up this year. I thought I was an adult, and though I've felt like one since I was 12, I've begun to react like one. Things don't seem to bother me as much as they used to.

In 2010, I am hopeful for a year full of God's grace, His rich mercy, and His direction. I am hopeful that He will continue to show me His purpose for my life and that He would bring Himself all the more glory with me. I am asking the LORD for more time. Scripture tells us to be sober-minded and to redeem the time, "for the days are evil." Some may ask where the time goes--well, He's already given it to us! It has been enough time. My prayer, though, is that He would not return too soon, because there are so many more things still left to do. I am asking the LORD for provisions this year, in addition to those He has already provided. I am also asking for a continued sense of direction. I'm here until October, I know, but what then?

I feel ready for something tonight--ready to move on, maybe. Ready to be home? A little. Ready for a new adventure? Always. I feel ready for Him to move, to be honest. And if that means for Him to move me, then the LORD be praised! It is a new year--and a new decade! Come celebrate the LORD with me, you who have been set free! Glorify Him in this new time!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU and SOUTH KOREA.....!!!
    Greetings from Dess of Malaysia....
